However, this has the side-effect of bleaching the colours in the the brighter parts of the image - for instance star colour. Astroart is also an open system with plug-in support and free development kit for C++, C#, Pascal, Visual Basic. If you love Astrophotography, you will love this freebie. After installing, close and restart any open instances of Photoshop. These filters and actions work inside of Photoshop and perform specialty functions for astronomy, such as gradient and noise reduction. APT stands for 'AstroPhotography Tool' and it is like Swiss army knife for your astro imaging sessions. When the filter runs, it creates safe 32-bit memory space to prevent some rogue plugins from affecting Photoshop. Looking for a little more information and tutorials before you get started? We’ve got a few additional posts as well as a few Lightroom Discover ‘tap to edit’ astrophotography photos if you’d like to try at home with someone else’s images if you haven’t been able to capture your own: These filters and actions work inside of Photoshop and perform specialty functions for astronomy, such as gradient and noise reduction.
StarShrink A sophisticated star-sharpening plug-in for Adobe Photoshop Articles.